Terms of use

1. General provisions
1.1. The Website samarkand.easybooking.uz (hereinafter – the Website) is a travel website that provides users with the opportunity to search for tours for travel at the lowest prices, as well as to purchase a tour.

2. Rules of user behavior on the Website
User rights:

2.1. The User has the right to receive up-to-date information on the availability of tours, and the cost of tours offered for sale by tour operators, according to the search parameters.

2.2. The User has the right to access any materials posted on the Website.

The User is prohibited:

2.3. Take actions that may lead to disruption of the Website’s performance.

2.4. Use parser programs, and bots, except in cases agreed with the Website administration.

3. Rules for the Website Administration
3.1 The administration has the right to refuse to register a new user without explanation, including the account which was previously deleted for violation of the terms of this agreement, block or delete the user’s account.

3.2. The Administration has the right to inform users about the services provided by third parties, including by e-mail, posting banners, links, and in any other way.

4. Responsibility
4.1 The administration makes every effort to exclude from the website irrelevant, offensive, untrue, or incomplete information, but, ultimately, is not responsible for such information.

4.2. Under no circumstances shall the Website Administration be liable to the User or any third parties for any direct, indirect, unintentional damages, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity, or business reputation caused in connection with the use of the Website or the results of intellectual activity posted on the Website.

4.3. The administration is not responsible to the user or any third parties for:

– user actions on the Website;

– for the content and legality, the accuracy of the information used/received by the user on the Website;

– for the accuracy of the advertising information used/received by the user on the Website and the quality of the goods/works/services advertised therein;

– for the consequences of using the information used/received by the user on the Website.

4.4. The Website administration is not responsible for the materials, comments, or information posted on the Website.

4.5. The Website administration is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by partners, namely the cost of the tour, included services, description of hotels, as well as any other information that the user receives on the Website.

4.6. The Website Administration is not responsible for the performance of its duties by advertisers who place their ads on the Website.

4.7. If the user uses third-party programs and extensions, including such as AdBlock, which have an impact on changing the pages of the website, and their content, the website administration cannot guarantee the correct display and operation of all options, functions of the website and paid services of the portal.

5. Violation of the terms of use
5.1. The Website Administration has the right to disclose the information collected about the User of this Website if the disclosure is necessary for connection with an investigation or complaint regarding the misuse of the Website, or to establish (identify) the User who may violate or interfere with the operation of the Website or violate the rights of other Users of the Website.

5.2. The Website Administration has the right to disclose information about the User to comply with applicable law or court decisions, to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and to protect the rights or safety of other Users.

5.3. The Website Administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of Ukraine requires or allows such disclosure.

5.4. The Website Administration has the right to terminate and (or) block access to the Website without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Website contained in other documents, as well as in case of termination of the Website or due to technical problems or problems.

5.5. The Website Administration shall not be liable to the User or third parties for the termination of access to the Website in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Website.

6. Dispute resolution
6.1. In the event of any disagreements or disputes between the Parties to this Agreement, a prerequisite for going to court is the submission of a claim (a written proposal for the voluntary settlement of the dispute).

6.2. The recipient of the claim within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt shall notify the claimant in writing of the results of the claim consideration.

6.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute voluntarily, either Party has the right to apply to the court for the protection of its rights granted by the current legislation of Ukraine.

7. Additional conditions
7.1. The Website Administration does not accept counter-proposals from the User regarding changes to this Agreement.

7.2. Copying of materials posted on this website is possible with the indication of a link to it.